⬆️Upload Scenarios

Digicust allows for a range of options to upload and create customs cases. For effective uploads, make sure that execution strategies are set up properly.

Upload via frontend

Locate "customs cases" and click "create new":

Then, select the files you want to send to Digicust to create a customs case. Specify the execution strategy you want to use and, optionally, set a reference. Click upload. Digicust starts processing your customs case instantly.

Upload via email

Many of our clients choose to just forward emails with PDF files attached and relevant information in the email body. You can do so too! Go to your execution strategy settings, hit save, and the execution strategy's email address appears. Use this email address to forward customs cases to Digicust.

As soon as Digicust receives your email, the system starts the processing.

Upload via SFTP

Sometimes it is easiest to just drop all customs cases to a local folder and expose this folder via SFTP. Digicust will automatically listen to this folder and process new documents that enter the folder.

Upload via API

You can integrate Digicust directly in your software. We have an easy-to-use API your developers can easily implement. For further details see Developer API

Further upload settings

Further, you can set up the following upload settings in the execution strategy:

Last updated