Rules & Templates

Rules is a feature of our service that allows users to configure conditions for the automatic overriding or fallback of values in customs documents. With this feature, users can set conditions based on certain values or attributes in customs documents, and specify the values to be overridden or fallback values to be provided. This feature streamlines the customs clearance process and ensures consistency and accuracy in customs documents.

Setting Conditions for Value Overriding or Fallback

The Rules Configuration feature allows users to set conditions based on certain values or attributes in customs documents. For example, users can set a condition that if the shipper is "xy" and the total value does not exceed 10,000 EUR, a certain customs representation mode should be applied. Users can also specify the values to be overridden or fallback values to be provided based on these conditions.

Automating Customs Clearance Process

Rules Configuration streamlines the customs clearance process by automating the overriding or fallback of values in customs documents. Users no longer need to manually check and update values in customs documents, saving time and reducing the risk of errors associated with manual data entry.

Ensuring Consistency and Accuracy in Customs Documents

Rules Configuration ensures consistency and accuracy in customs documents by enforcing specific conditions for value overriding or fallback. This feature ensures that customs documents comply with customs regulations and reduces the risk of errors and delays in customs clearance.


Rules Configuration is a powerful tool that automates the overriding or fallback of values in customs documents based on specific conditions. This feature streamlines the customs clearance process, saves time, and ensures consistency and accuracy in customs documents. Rules Configuration is an essential tool for businesses involved in customs clearance, as it ensures compliance with customs regulations and reduces the risk of errors and delays in customs clearance.

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